Cannot add Description in Table Browser

We are using Presto on EMR. I tried using Hue installed on EMR (v4.4) and it would not save a description - it would always revert back. Now I have installed a standalone Hue on EC2 and I am trying to add a description in the table browser on v4.7.1, but now all I see is the column name Description when I go to my table (default.orders for example) and the Add a description text is missing and I cannot click into it to edit.

Being able to notate what these columns mean is very important for our use case. We have added a comment on the column in Presto, but that does not appear unless you do DESC orders.

I have spent days trying to figure this out but have not had much success. There is not much on Google concerning this particular feature either. I have tried using both SQLAlchemy and the JBDC drivers to see if there was any different, but there was not. I DO see that Sample Data loads with the JBDC driver but does not with SQLAlchemy.

This is the partial URI where I am trying to use the Description field: /hue/metastore/table/default/orders?source_type=presto&namespace=default (I can’t add attachments as I’m a new user)

Presto connection configs I have tried:

  interface = jdbc
  name = Presto
  options = '{"url": "jdbc:presto://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:8889/hive/default", "driver": "com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver", "user":"root","password":""}'
#    [[[presto]]]
#    name = Presto
#    interface=sqlalchemy
#    options='{"url": "presto://xxxxxxxxxxxx:8889/hive/default"}'

Can someone help me figure out how to edit the description field in the Table Browser when using Hue with Presto? We really need a way for the user to easily click into the table and see the description of the various columns without querying beforehand. Thank you.

IIRC descriptions are updated via DDL under the cover (to also check if the comments are returned in the autocomplete call via the SqlAlchemy driver

Other way is via