Hive number format

Hi All:

I am new to this forum and just want to ask a simply question:

I defined a simple hive table as below and inserted one row. please pay attention to long decimal in my sample value ‘100.123456789012345’.

hive> create table family (name string, income float);
Time taken: 0.403 seconds
hive> insert into family values (‘Elena’, 100.123456789012345);

When I query this table in hive command line, it rounds up value to 5 decimals as 100.12346’.

hive> select * from family;
Elena 100.12346

however, when I do the same query in Hue 4.1, the hue display the whole decimals.

I am trying to figure what setting in Hue to control how many decimals to show when running hive query using Hue.

Thank you!


BTW, when I try to query the same data using Hue 4.10, it display value as ‘100.12346’.

We like the default value of Hue 4.1 (showing all decimals) and don’t like default behavior in Hue 4.10 (round up and show only 5 decimals). We try to figure out any setting we can tweak in Hue 4.10 to get the same format behavior like Hue 4.1.



anybody can help?

