Not able to create athena table through Importer

Hi Romain,

I am unable to create athena table from S3 data and empty athena table as well .
Note : I am using only S3 not hdfs and Hadoop.

  1. I am using s3 to create file in athena database . I am getting exception Only S3 locations are allowed. when I am giving the s3a://bucket/folder as external location

Error Message : Only S3 locations are allowed [SQL: u’CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ca_workspace.dim_cust45\n(\n customer_code string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’\n STORED AS TextFile LOCATION ‘s3a://data’\nTBLPROPERTIES(“transactional” = “false”)\n;’]

  1. If I am giving s3://bucket/folder as external location getting exception only [hdfs,s3a] schemes are allowed

Please help on this

Seems like a small bug. Would you have the full trace of the exception in the Hue logs?