Unable to run Hive query on Hue 4.5.0/4.6.0


I upgraded Hue from 4.4.0 to 4.6.0 in my env. After that, I cannot run Hive query on Hue.

After upgrading Hue, there are no Hive in Sources. Since we cannot choose Hive source, we cannot run Hive query on Hue.

We haven’t changed Hue configuration from Hue 4.4.0. My Hue configuration is below:

          name = Hive
          interface = hiveserver2
  hive_server_host = localhost
  hive_server_port = 10000
  hive_conf_dir = /etc/hive/conf

I looked at hue.ini for Hue 4.6.0 but could not find why we cannot run Hive query. If this is caused by some new features or configuration which were added in Hue 4.5.0/4.6.0, could you point me to the information/documentation?

Not sure whether this is related but I’m using Hue as an independent app, and on my cluster, we are not using Impala and Navigator feature etc.

Thank you.

Are you seeing any other sources or none?
Are those values showing-up on the Dump Config page? https://docs.gethue.com/administrator/administration/operations/

The config you pasted looks correct. It indeed needs to have those sections uncommented when customizing the editor.