Results have expired, rerun the query if needed

When I use hue to connect to hiveserver2 for query, I often have: Results have expired, rerun the query if needed, how do I solve this problem? is about this

how do I solve this problem?
This problem does not occur every time, what parameters should I set to make this problem no longer appear?

Only one result is kept at the time, for just a few minutes. After, all the results will be available for a configurable time.

Currently, you will need to rerun the query.

Note: if you use a load balancer for multiple HivesServer, you also need sticky sessions

Thanks for your reply, it is my own problem. I randomly generate connections in When the django cache expires, the next connection is inconsistent with the last connection, causing the get_status () method to time out.

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I got the same problem. How did you solve the problem ?